Black Bass

AKA Largemouth Bass

Black Bass and Spotted Bass

There are two species of Black Bass in Lake Lewisville, Largemouth or Florida and Spotted Bass. I mainly target Largemouth Bass for guided trips, although sometimes while fishing for Largemouth you will hook a Spotted Bass. The Largemouth Bass (Black Bass) are the larger of the two species. Its hard for me to eat Largemouth Bass, because I enjoy catching them so much. I recommend catch and release on these Largemouth guided trips.

The fun of Black Bass fishing is learning how to be successful in hooking and landing the largest fish possible. Black Bass are known for aerobatics on the end of a line. When hooked they will sometimes attempt to throw the hook by jumping. There are many different types of lures, presentations and methods available to catch Back Bass. I can provide coaching and guidance if you a new to largemouth fishing.

The fish hide around docks, boat slips, under trees and are attracted to underwater cover. I know plenty of good fishing spots on Lake Lewisville, Ray Roberts or Grapevine for Black Bass. From Rattletraps, Spinners to Plastics I fish them all, and have a history of catching large fish. I know when and where to use different artificial lures and which ones work best for the current fishing patterns.

If you are interested in learning how to catch Largemouth Bass, give me a call and we can set up a guided fishing trip. I know all the best Lake Lewisville structure, so schedule a Largemouth Bass fishing tour today


  • For Largemouth
    • Minimum Length = 14 in.
  • Spotted Bass
    • No length limit
  • Daily Bag Limit = 5 fish in any combination


Largemouth and Spotted Bass look similar, so it can be hard to tell the difference. One easy way to tell is by the jaw. Spotted bass have a jaw that does not proceed past the eye of the fish. Largemouth Bass have a jaw that does proceed past the eye of the fish. Largemouth bass have a larger mouth than Spotted Bass in general. Spotted bass also have a more spotted appearance. If you need help Identifying a Bass click the link below for the Texas Bass Identification Chart.